http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwjrmnDM5c0endofvid [starttext] señales de los tiempos - agosto 2015
Publicado el 6 sept. 2015
SOTT 'Earth Changes' video summary of extreme weather events and environmental indicators of 'planetary upheaval' (seismic, volcanic, etc) in August 2015. *
August 2015 saw apocalyptic deluges of rain and hail inundating cities from China to the US, intense electrical storms frying power grids and damaging infrastructure, and unusually powerful storms destroying crops and inundating vast areas of inhabited regions.
The most memorable event of the month was the series of massive explosions at Tianjin port in northeastern China. Although it's assumed that human error was to blame, the unusual scale of the event suggests that something 'out-of-the-ordinary' was involved. With 'Earth opening up' in so many ways - enormous sinkholes, multiple volcanic eruptions, increased seismic activity, pockets of gas exploding on beaches, geysers of methane and steam erupting on golf courses and in streets - we strongly suspect the Tianjin event was 'more of the same', only BIGGER.
Last month, meteor fireballs turned night into day in Scandinavia, the UK, the US, Chile, and the Caribbean. Sinkholes swallowed people and streets in China, and portions of highways in the UK and US. Wildfires raged across southern Siberia. Hailstorms added two more passenger aircraft to their hit-list. Italy saw cars swept down streets in 'biblical' deluges, while three typhoons lined up in the Pacific for the first time in recorded history.
The exponential increase in all phenomena - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteors, sinkholes, floods, lightning strikes, exploding transformers and chemical plants - is well illustrated by US wildfire statistics. There are only 6 other years when more than 8 million acres burned in the US - 2012, 2011, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004. As of September 1st, 2015 is set to beat the record set of 9.8 million acres consumed in 2006...
These were the signs of the times in August 2015...
Source on US wildfires stats: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/en...
* Please note that due to planetary/climate chaos increasing month by month, we are now inundated with video footage and must therefore be selective about which events to include. Going forwards, please consider these video summaries a mere snapshot of the global picture. Considering that these 'localized' events, multiplied many times over, are occurring simultaneously all over the planet, the scale of destruction and impact on people's lives becomes almost unimaginable.
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busca la verdad,escucha la verdad,enseña la verdad,ama la verdad,vive la verdad y defiende la verdad hasta la muerte. john huss santificalos en tu verdad,tu palabra es la verdad. juan 17:17 El Espíritu mismo da testimonio a nuestro espíritu, de que somos hijos de Dios. Y si hijos, también herederos; herederos de Dios y coherederos con Cristo, si es que padecemos juntamente con él, para que juntamente con él seamos glorificados.Romanos 8:16-17 Salmos 117 Alabanza por la misericordia de Jehová 117 1 Alabad a Jehová, naciones todas; Pueblos todos, alabadle. 2 Porque ha engrandecido sobre nosotros su misericordia, Y la fidelidad de Jehová es para siempre. Aleluya. [endtext]
Publicado el 6 sept. 2015
SOTT 'Earth Changes' video summary of extreme weather events and environmental indicators of 'planetary upheaval' (seismic, volcanic, etc) in August 2015. *
August 2015 saw apocalyptic deluges of rain and hail inundating cities from China to the US, intense electrical storms frying power grids and damaging infrastructure, and unusually powerful storms destroying crops and inundating vast areas of inhabited regions.
The most memorable event of the month was the series of massive explosions at Tianjin port in northeastern China. Although it's assumed that human error was to blame, the unusual scale of the event suggests that something 'out-of-the-ordinary' was involved. With 'Earth opening up' in so many ways - enormous sinkholes, multiple volcanic eruptions, increased seismic activity, pockets of gas exploding on beaches, geysers of methane and steam erupting on golf courses and in streets - we strongly suspect the Tianjin event was 'more of the same', only BIGGER.
Last month, meteor fireballs turned night into day in Scandinavia, the UK, the US, Chile, and the Caribbean. Sinkholes swallowed people and streets in China, and portions of highways in the UK and US. Wildfires raged across southern Siberia. Hailstorms added two more passenger aircraft to their hit-list. Italy saw cars swept down streets in 'biblical' deluges, while three typhoons lined up in the Pacific for the first time in recorded history.
The exponential increase in all phenomena - volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, meteors, sinkholes, floods, lightning strikes, exploding transformers and chemical plants - is well illustrated by US wildfire statistics. There are only 6 other years when more than 8 million acres burned in the US - 2012, 2011, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004. As of September 1st, 2015 is set to beat the record set of 9.8 million acres consumed in 2006...
These were the signs of the times in August 2015...
Source on US wildfires stats: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/en...
* Please note that due to planetary/climate chaos increasing month by month, we are now inundated with video footage and must therefore be selective about which events to include. Going forwards, please consider these video summaries a mere snapshot of the global picture. Considering that these 'localized' events, multiplied many times over, are occurring simultaneously all over the planet, the scale of destruction and impact on people's lives becomes almost unimaginable.
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Visit our website: http://sott.net
busca la verdad,escucha la verdad,enseña la verdad,ama la verdad,vive la verdad y defiende la verdad hasta la muerte. john huss santificalos en tu verdad,tu palabra es la verdad. juan 17:17 El Espíritu mismo da testimonio a nuestro espíritu, de que somos hijos de Dios. Y si hijos, también herederos; herederos de Dios y coherederos con Cristo, si es que padecemos juntamente con él, para que juntamente con él seamos glorificados.Romanos 8:16-17 Salmos 117 Alabanza por la misericordia de Jehová 117 1 Alabad a Jehová, naciones todas; Pueblos todos, alabadle. 2 Porque ha engrandecido sobre nosotros su misericordia, Y la fidelidad de Jehová es para siempre. Aleluya. [endtext]
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